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joint bonds中文是什么意思

用"joint bonds"造句"joint bonds"怎么读"joint bonds" in a sentence


  • 合发债卷
  • 合发债券
  • 联合保证公司债


  • In this paper , the microstructures of the joints of aluminum - bronze surfacing on mild steel and on stainless steel are analyzed by means of sem , and the division and formation of bronze / steel joint bond are studied
  • Abstract : in this paper , the microstructures of the joints of aluminum - bronze surfacing on mild steel and on stainless steel are analyzed by means of sem , and the division and formation of bronze / steel joint bond are studied
  • 3 . the parameters of steel frame with infill which affect the lateral , resistant ability , such as panel ratio , frame - to - panel connectors , frame - to - panel interface friction , gap between panel and frame and mortar joint bond and friction were discussed . it is emphasized that the reduced location , shape and dimension is very important for the function of dog - bone reduced beam flange and must be paid more attention
用"joint bonds"造句  
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